STEEL IN THE AIR: Great Company!! I was in the cellular business as a Nextel dealer, and I’d always heard...
Without this organization, I would be just one person trying to protect my interests against a huge corporation. About 20 years ago, Edge Wireless approached me about a cell tower on my...
Form test Do you currently have one or more cell towers or cell sites on your property? YesNo How can we help? —Please choose an option—I want a cell tower on my property.I have been approached regarding a new cell site build on my property.I am currently a leaseholder and have questions about my lease.I am interested in selling my lease.I am a tower owner interested in sales or leasing.I am a wireless or broadband service provider.I have been approached to lease my property or rooftop.I have not been approached, but I would like to lease my property or rooftop for a cell tower or cell site.Other Δ