Serving Investors

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Serving Investors

Serving Investors And Portfolio Managers

Since 2004, Steel in the Air has helped over 3,000 clients nationwide to negotiate favorable leases against wireless carriers, lease buyout and tower companies. We also provide lease valuation and cell tower asset management services to small tower owners, appraisers, and investors. Over the past decade, along with our partner, SteelTree Partners, we have assisted in the brokerage of over $800 million in wireless assets.

Steel in the Air is a trusted authority in the cell tower and wireless communications industry, and we are known to provide reliable, fair-market valuations using proprietary, comparable sales data comprised of more than seven years of transactions. We are regularly retained by investment banks and investment groups for our analysis of current market trends and historical sales and lease data. We have unparalleled access to ground level information because we are the first point of contact when it comes to the development of new cell sites. Since we don’t work for wireless carriers, lease buyout companies, or lease optimization companies (and aren’t obligated by their NDAs), we can readily discuss the anecdotal information we receive about who is doing what and where. We keep close tabs on what is occurring in the industry so that our clients do not have to.

Contact Us

    Do you currently have one or more cell towers or cell sites on your property?

    How can we help?

    With Steel In The Air, You Will:

    1. Understand the wireless communications industry players and the current market dynamic, while gaining confidence that your decisions consider all fixed and variable factors, including infrastructure costs, mergers, and acquisitions, as well as emerging technologies.
    2. Marginalize risk by satisfactorily determining that you are making the best use of your assets – in the present and for the expected future.
    3. Gain access to proprietary data on nationwide tower sales, lease rates, and tenant and equipment capacity.
    4. Receive a “letter of opinion” and “offer memorandum” assessing the value of specific tower assets and/or complete portfolios.

    Insider tips

    Leases are typically valued higher the closer they are to expiration.

    Cell towers are originally built with a certain capacity in mind. Some are built to house singular carriers, while others are built to support multiple carriers. As such, their values vary a great deal.

    Attorneys who are not familiar with the telecom industry might add unreasonable restrictions to the lease forcing the carrier to look elsewhere, or they will fail to add the clauses necessary to protect your interests because they don’t understand the real implications of the clauses in the lease. If you are seeking legal help, we recommend you contact our partner, Cell Tower Attorney.