Serving Local governments

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Serving Government Entities And Non-profits

Steel in the Air has assisted in excess of 200 federal agencies, state government agencies, counties, and cities over the last 18 years. Our client list partially includes the US Veteran’s Administration, the State of Washington Department of Natural Resources, the University System of Georgia, California Department of Transportation, Massachusetts Port Authority, City of Atlanta, GA, the City of Minneapolis, MN, and many more. Our engagement with most of our municipal clients last for years as they continue to retain us for their cell site lease-related matters time and time again.

Contact Us

    Do you currently have one or more cell towers or cell sites on your property?

    How can we help?

    You may think that if you’ve seen one cell tower lease, you’ve seen them all. Don’t be fooled! Government leases and non-profit cell tower leases are typically more unique than other cell tower leases. Some choices that may have little-to-no effect on a private property-owner’s cell tower lease can impact the cash flow and threaten the livelihood of a non-profit or municipality. Steel in the Air has assisted more than 3,000 public and private landowners and business owners nationwide with their telecom lease negotiations. We are confident we can help you secure the best government lease or non-profit cell tower lease.

    As telecom lease advisors, we help municipalities and non-profits make best-practice choices regarding any and all aspects of telecom lease negotiations. We understand the trickle-down effect – and have seen how one seemingly-small lease modification can impact your cash flow, as well as the livelihood of the public who depends upon you.

    With Steel in the Air, you not only have the benefit of our team’s wealth of experience and proprietary data, but you also have our loyalty. We know the industry inside out, and we understand who the industry players are and what motivates them. We are fully competent in deciphering legal language and explaining to you all the possible factors that could be affected by your choice now and well into the future.

    It is our job as telecom lease advisors and experts to protect your interests and to ensure that you decide upon a course of action that will maximize potential future income and is value-added – with optimal advantage and minimal risk. With the help of Steel in the Air, you can rest easy knowing that your final purchase is the best decision for the present as well as the future.

    With Steel In The Air, You Will:

    1. Gain confidence and peace of mind by positioning yourself in a level playing field where all data, variables, and motives are on the table – and understood.
    2. Make informed decisions that are based on valid, actionable, and timely data.
    3. Avoid risk by satisfactorily determining that you are making the best use of your assets – in the present and for the expected future.
    4. Maintain accountability to your constituents, tenants, or anyone affected by the lease negotiations by using reliable metrics to define a purposeful course of action.
    5. Negotiate the best possible cell tower agreement – and feel good doing it.

    Insider tips

    If you have associates who are also party to cell tower leases, we advise you to take caution when comparing a potential new lease to theirs. You shouldn’t assume that they knew what they were doing, even if the amounts do look enticing.

    Carriers nationwide are racing to deploy 4G LTE and especially 5G. If you are party to a cell tower lease and the Lessee wants to update its network infrastructure, chances are that you are eligible for some compensation.

    The trend with new cell site leases is to include a “Right of First Refusal” clause. This means that if a third-party were interested in buying your lease you would first have to offer it to the original Lessee. This could substantially lower the final purchase amount. While it might not be possible to avoid the ROFR clause altogether, you might be able to negotiate away from “pro-rata” matching.