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Leroy from AZ
Hell Yes! I did the right thing working with Steel In The Air. When all is said and done we worked out a fabulous deal.
Jon from IL
I don’t regret paying SITA their fee. They did a great job for me!
Donna from MD
The assessment was great. Steve Aruz had very good insight and as a result Verizon reimbursed us for all our expenses.
Thomas from MD
We were absolutely satisfied with the SITA assessment and happy with the outcome of our negotiations.
Teresa from NC
We were very pleased with the assessment from Steel In The Air. Matt Williams was very helpful and we received a signing bonus and rent increase from ATC.
Carol from TX
Signing with SITA was the best thing I ever did. I received good terms and a signing bonus that covered all my out of pocket expenses! The site acquisition agent said I had made the best deal his tower company had ever extended to a landowner. The advice from SITA was invaluable.
Ron from MI
The Steel In The Air assessment leveled the playing field in my favor. I received a very good increase in the monthly revenue due to SITA’s assistance.
Gerald from FL
Monthly rent was doubled, we received future revenue sharing and a substantial signing bonus! For the life of us we can’t figure out how we could have accomplished with without SITA’S help. Nice little next egg to leave the children while we enjoy the benefits today.
Glenn from GA
Thank you Ken. Your appraisal made all the difference. I wonder how many owners negotiate their cell towers without any idea of what they are really worth?
David from GA
SITA was a great help and I am very pleased with the outcome of our negotiations. We also own another tower and will call on SITA when needed.

Jeff from CA

I want to thank you for your assistance. Your advice has once again paid for itself.

Michael from CA

The matter has now settled based, in large part, on the work you did.

Robert from Milton, DE

We finalized our deal with Cingular today. They were reluctant to come up to $xxxx.xx, but they agreed. I appreciate all of your help.

A depiction of a monopole cell tower located at the rear of a self-storage facility

STEEL IN THE AIR: Great Company!!

I was in the cellular business as a Nextel dealer, and I’d always heard stories of landowners being taken advantage of by cell tower companies. I’m currently the owner of a self-storage facility, and I was approached by two different tower companies wanting to build on my property. I immediately reached out to a couple of my former Nextel executives for advice, and they both highly recommended Ken at Steel in the Air. Ken knows this industry inside and out and performed a

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