Supreme Court to Determine Process Regarding Municipalities Approving Tower Builds

Home / Wireless Infrastructure Blog / Supreme Court to Determine Process Regarding Municipalities Approving Tower Builds

On May 5th, he U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a case between T-Mobile and the city of Roswell, GA during its Fall term, which will determine the level of authority local governments’ zoning divisions will retain with regards to approving wireless carriers’ applications to build new towers – specifically regarding whether or not municipalities will be required to provide detailed documentation to wireless who seek permits on municipal property. The timing of the case couldn’t be more relevant as carriers continue to rush their LTE buildouts and network densification efforts.

In October, the Supreme Court will hear a case between T-Mobile and the city of Roswell, GA to will determine the level of authority local governments’ zoning divisions will retain with regards to approving wireless carriers’ applications to build new towers – specifically regarding whether or not municipalities will be required to provide detailed documentation to wireless who seek permits on municipal property. The timing of the case couldn’t be more relevant as carriers continue to rush their LTE buildouts and network densification efforts.

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