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Our Client Testimonials

John from NC
Thank you for the knowledge on this website. I have been searching and all I could find to date was listing services that required a fee. You saved me wasting the listing fee. You are certainly appreciated!
Ron from Falls City, OR
I believe, at this point, it looks like we have a signed option which will hopefully become a site in the future. They will be before the County Planning Commission for approval soon. Thanks for your advice!
Jeff from CA
I want to thank you for your assistance. Your advice has once again paid for itself.
Michael from CA
The matter has now settled based, in large part, on the work you did.
Robert from Milton, DE
We finalized our deal with Cingular today. They were reluctant to come up to $xxxx.xx, but they agreed. I appreciate all of your help.
Bob from MA
After taking in your suggestions it appears that you are correct. After speaking to you and reading your report, I have been approached by three different company’s wanting to buy the remainder of the lease. Again thank you, you made the decision much easier.

Lloyd from Ashland, OR

Ken, We finalized at $xxxx/mo, x% yearly increase, and $xxxx option money for 18 months. Thanks for your help in this matter.

Linda from Pittsburg, PA

The background you provided and the reasoning that went into your recommendation was very enlightening. I always felt that the site was very valuable, but

Wayne from CA

Thank you for your evaluation and guidance. I wanted to let you know the final outcome. We have agreed on the following: $xxxx.xx/mo and x%

Condo Association from FL

Hi, Ken, Just wanted to let you know that the Board met on Tuesday and took your advice, deciding not to renegotiate the lease with

Without this organization, I would be just one person trying to protect my interests against a huge corporation. 

About 20 years ago, Edge Wireless approached me about a cell tower on my 500-acre ranch in Western Oregon.  That interest died after they looked at the site.  A few years later, AT&T approached me, interested in a tower.  As interest grew, American Tower took over for the actual building of the tower.  Somewhere in this process, I was fortunate to discover Steel in the Air as a consultant.  They have been with me since, starting at the very beginning

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